Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party


Ultimate Blog Party 2012


Welcome to Obtaining Mercy!

I am Alesha Kay and I am so excited that you have dropped by my blog for the Ultimate Blog Party!


  UBP profile pic


I started blogging in 2007, which was a particulary difficult year for our family.  I was just looking for a place to unwind, to share my thoughts and feelings, and to connect with other likeminded women.

I have been greatly blessed by the people I have met since then.  I love my bloggy friends!

I blog quite a bit about the men in my life: My husband Doug and my son, Isaac.  In fact, Isaac has his own page here, because he is such a special kiddo – in more ways than one.




I also write about running a household, living with chronic conditions (fibromyalgia & osteoarthritis) and about our ongoing goal of fitness and health.

The writing that I am most passionate about is my A Door of Hope posts.

I reached a point in my life, when Isaac was so sick in 2007, that I felt absolutely hopeless.  I had never experienced that kind of emptiness and pain before, and I was shocked and saddened by my inability to rise above those feelings.

So, I ran to God's Word, and I sunk myself into It to see what I could find about hope; and of course, the Bible's pages are brimming with verses and stories about the Hope that we can only find in God alone.

The Lord is so gracious and kind to give us all that we need to meet life's trials, when we read His Word.  He wants our lives to be joyful and filled with hope.

As we come to know the character of God, we come to realize that as long as God lives, there is hope!  It is ours for the asking, and it is bountiful and everlasting in its supply.

If you are hurting today, I pray that you find some words of comfort and assurance here at Obtaining Mercy and A Door of Hope.

Thanks for coming to the Ultimate Blog Party!!! 

Be sure to head to Party Central and visit with the other bloggers there.


Hopefully blogging,

Alesha Kay



16 thoughts on “Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Party

  1. “As we come to know the character of God, we come to realize that as long as God lives, there is hope! It is ours for the asking, and it is bountiful and everlasting in its supply.”
    Our God is so amazing! Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to coming back again! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I’m now a follower on twitter! (@bethanyev)
    Happy #UBP12!!!


  2. Thank you so much for stopping by from UBP12 and for naming the flower I took a picture of! That meant so very much to me! You have a beautiful family! I too have Fibromyalgia.


  3. Hey Alesha
    So nice to meet you. In addition having an Isaac with CP, I too suffer from fibromyalgia. Phil and I married young and didn’t have our first child until I was 35. Although that was because I didn’t think I’d make a very good mother, and God knew better than to surprise us.
    I look forward to following your journey 🙂


  4. Hi Tui, thanks so much for stopping by. I love having things in common with new friends, but I sure do wish it was something else besides fibro! Blech! I’m sure we’ll find some other – more fun – things that we each relate to, as we follow along with our blogs. I had to do a little research about the earthquakes you mentioned. I cannot even begin to fathom living in those conditions. Will be praying for you and your family!


  5. Cascia, thanks so much for stopping by. I’m following you now on FB, so I look forward to learning more from your very informative site!


  6. Alesha, I am finally stopping by to visit your blog! Oh how I love your heart! So glad I stopped by.
    Yes, I suppose the UBP brought me here…and the fact that you also said hi on my blog.
    Looking forward to following in your journey.


  7. Ellen, thank you for dropping by 🙂 I am so happy to know you and to have you as a bloggy friend! Looking forward to sharing your journey as well.


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