Finding a Van for Isaac – It Takes a Family, Not a Village


We are in the process of trying to find a wheelchair-accessible vehicle for our family.  Our truck died on May 8th, and we have been without a vehicle since then.

I know intellectually that family is incredibly important, but to see family spring into action on our behalf has really been amazing!


  • My mechanically-inclined brother, who has done the physical labor on our truck the past several times that it needed work, and who had the wisdom to say (as did Bones on StarTrek) "It's dead, Jim!" when our truck blew it's head gasket last Tuesday.
  • My fiscally-responsible brother and sister-in-love who unselfishly pick me up for choir practice each week, and bring me home from church on Sunday and Wednesday nights, who pick up groceries when we need them, or prescriptions when we have no way to get them, and who support me emotionally when I feel the need to let off steam, by simply listening or by taking me to the beach for a day (and thereby rescuing my sanity.)
  • My extended family who are praying and watching for deals and encouraging us that God will meet our need.
  • My brilliant husband who can tell you which car/truck/van has the best and poorest Consumer Report ratings for the past 15 years, and who is humble enough to accept rides back and forth to work but is independent enough to walk to the drugstore and grocery store when we needed something.
  • My sweet mother- and grandmother-in-laws who give advice and encouragment to Doug each week and who help us pray for answers.
  • My servant-hearted cousins who are willing to do anything at all for us from toting a wheelchair, to physically helping Isaac in and out of his wheelchair, and who act out the belief that "Pity is a benign form of abuse, " and therefore do not pity Isaac, but accept him just as he is and help him to be a true part of their junior church ministry every Sunday.
  • My dad who has worked unfailingly to help us find a vehicle, who has loaned his vehicle for runs to the bank and the grocery store, who drives alone to church in his work truck so that the rest of us can fit in the "nice" vehicle, who believes in a fair price and a good work ethic, who has friends all over town because of his own work ethic, and who has blessed his family for many generations to come by following Christ's example and keeping a good Christian testimony.
  • My mom who has taught all of us by her incredible example that PRAYER WORKS, and who is continuing to live out that truth by praying a MIRACLE down for us!!!


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All these combine to make this time of waiting, bearable. 

As we sink our faith deeper into the mind of Christ, and trust Him to meet this incredible need, we are propped up and encouraged by these in our family who have come along beside us.

Of course, we have sweet friends who minister to us, too, giving us ideas and telling us about vehicles they've seen, and encouraging us with reminders of Who God is, and that He promises to meet every need.  These are our brothers and sisters in Christ, and so, by that definition, are FAMILY, as well!



The world has swallowed the lie that it takes a government, a society, a village of people to raise a child.  This is wrong and unScriptural.  It takes individuals who are committed to the success of the child and to the spiritual growth of the child, to properly raise that child to be a Child of the King.

In Isaac's situation, he is "safe" in the Lord, because he does not have the understanding to make a personal decision for Christ. 

So, in his case, we are not coming together to teach him about Jesus and salvation in a mental and spiritual way; but rather we are coming together to teach him how Jesus IS by meeting his physical and emotional needs.


I John 3:16-18 "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth."


My family is loving Isaac, and loving us, "in deed and in truth."

That is very humbling and encouraging and is – quite honestly – just blessing my socks off!!!

Thank you, Lord, for my family!






4 thoughts on “Finding a Van for Isaac – It Takes a Family, Not a Village

  1. So I have typed and re-typed a comment several times and I just can’t express my thoughts… so I leave you with this comment…
    Because that is really what sums up all my thoughts about several of the thoughts running through my head that this post caused.
    I don’t even know if that paragraph made actual gramatical sense but well, that is what happens when something makes you tear up… and it wasn’t the onions I just cut up! lol
    I love my family.


  2. AMEN and AMEN! Praying hard that the p@erfect vehicle will be in your drive way soon. In the mean time, so thankful that you have people lending a hand. THAT is what being family, either in the physical or spiritual sense, is all about!


  3. You’ll surely find a wheelchair-accessible vehicle for Isaac soon. This post is just so heart-warming, Alesha. Truly, at the end of the day, it is the people that surround us that will keep us going in this life. Thank God for our family and friends! 🙂


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