I’m back. I think.

On Tuesday, we were given two computers to use, while my laptop was being worked on: a desktop and a laptop.

I started working on the laptop on Wednesday morning.  It had been returned to factory condition, so it needed several updates, downloads, etc.

By Thursday morning, it was dead.  Neither the keyboard nor the touchpad worked at all.  I couldn't believe it!!!  Our computer guru buddy says he thinks it just bit the dust – literally just stopped working.  It was several years old, and evidently, I was just too much for it to handle…so it died to escape my computing skillz!


This morning, I began the same process on the desktop, which requires the same "bringing up to date" process.

If you see me online tomorrow, you'll know that all is well and that I haven't killed yet another machine!

Oh!  And the best news in my computer saga is that my laptop has been resurrected; my documents, pictures and spreadsheets restored; and it will be returned to me next Tuesday with 2GB of RAM! 

Whoo Hoo!!!

Miracles do still happen!!!

Now, if we can just get that clothes dryer running…


Have a great weekend!  Here's a pic of my men from last Sunday:




4 thoughts on “I’m back. I think.

  1. Handsome men you got there girl! 😉
    Yay for getting your files resurrected!!! Its a miracle!!!
    I pray you are really back and that your puter’s don’t die anymoe!


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