We are headed home! Ike is doing super well today…kicking hard enough to make the oxygen probe on his toe lose contact and DING, DING, DING the monitor- then he GRINS really BIG! Yep, my boy is feeling so much better!!! We should be headed home a little after noon. Thank you for your prayers, and thank you, Lord, for Your goodness!

4 thoughts on “

  1. So glad all is going well for you both. Eve loves the noise the SATs monitor makes when she kicks it loose too…mind you Rosie loves to pull the plug out for her !
    Hugs and prayers


  2. So glad he is doing good and you all can be at home again.
    I have missed a few of your post so just cating up here.
    Karen and I are finally feel better.
    God bless!! Sharon


  3. SO glad to hear this! Praying your little mischief maker will continue to recover well!
    Hugs & Prayers!!


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